Harry Potter’s Epic Birthday Celebration in Floral City

Floral City Public Library is thrilled to invite witches, wizards, and muggles of all ages to a spectacular multi-day event in honor of “the boy who lives,” Harry Potter!
Tuesday, June 9, Welcome to Hogwarts! A magical afternoon perfect for first-year students eager to dive into the world of Hogwarts and meet fellow witches and wizards.
Tuesday, June 16, Quidditch Tryouts. Quidditch enthusiasts, dust off your Nimbus 2000s!
Tuesday, June 23, Hogwarts Curriculum. Step into the shoes of a Hogwarts student and attend captivating classes.
Tuesday, June 9, O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s exams. Test your Harry Potter knowledge in a thrilling trivia exam.
All Harry Potter’s Birthday Bash events will take place between 2:30pm to 4:00pm.
To keep up-to-date on this and all other programs offered by Citrus County Library System, visit our website at www.citruslibraries.org, call your nearest branch or follow us @CitrusLibraries on Facebook and Instagram.