Volunteer Spotlight July 2024
Every month, the Citrus County Library System features a volunteer in their “Outside the Stacks” blog on their website. This month, the Lakes Region Library would like to shine the spotlight on Audrey. We asked Audrey several questions and thought it would be fun to share her responses!

Q: Why did you start volunteering?
A: My husband and I were working on getting our education completed with 2 small girls and money was scarce. The library provided lots of children’s programs, outings, crafts, and the girls loved it! It nurtured the love of reading and when I retired I thought it would be good to give something back to the library. I enjoy it so very much.
Q: How long have you been volunteering with the library?
A: Over 15 years! I have served on the Friends of the Library Board, worked at the book house, book sales, and also sorting books donated to the library, never a dull moment.
Q: How do you balance your volunteering with other activities in your life?
A: I have a schedule as keeping busy is what I enjoy. Family comes first, 3 days for volunteering, and the rest are free days to do as I choose. It is all about balance.
Q: Who is your favorite author?
A: I like so many genres including historic novels, mystery, biography, you name it, and I’ll read it.
Q: What book to you recommend to all of your friends to read and why?
A: The book I recommend is “Black Beauty” by Anna Sewell because of the fond memories I have of it. I was raised in the country, and attended a very small school, and it was the first book I ever read. (Besides the Bible and the Sears Roebuck catalog)
Q: Other than volunteering, what do you like to do with your free time?
A: Landscaping around my house and making plant islands are my current projects….hope I don’t have to fire myself for a poor job, haha.
Thank you, Audrey, for dedicating your time to the Lakes Region Library! We truly appreciate all of our volunteers and are glad to spotlight one of the many special people that help to keep our branch running smoothly.
Citrus Libraries is always looking for more volunteers to help in our branches! If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer at the library, call your local branch and speak with the Customer Service Specialist. To learn more about the Citrus County Library System, please visit our website at www.citruslibraries.org and follow @CitrusLibraries on Facebook and Instagram.